Samstag, 31. März 2007

Jeddah - Riyadh - Arrived in Abu Dhabi

31st March 2007: Flight from southwest Saudi to Emirates
That means, almost 2.000 km overflying desert plus 350 km over the persian gulf.

We started the day with breakfast at 0700, then quick to the airport to get the flightplan and airplanes ready,
customs-checkout and bye bye.

Remarkable in Jeddah was the general aviation: the smallest aircraft was a Caravan, then Hawker, but most of them minimum B737 BBJ and larger. With three runways it´s a huge airport, very long distances to taxi on the ground, getting hot tires...

On one side it was very confusing and complicated, on the other, after all is done, we have to say, that everything went more or less easy. Of course we had the advantage of our Red Bull Brand, and a good support of the saudi pilot Shihab Alireza who managed many things for us, plus the preparation of Red Bull Saudi, which was very helpful.

We flew an avg speed of 190 kts GS, had good tailwind, 11.000 feet cruising. As hot as on the ground, so cold it was in the altitude. We´ve ot almost a direct routing from Jeddah to Riyadh, where we landed in Thumama, appx. 17 NM north of Riyadh int´l. Thumama is a new airport, which is brandnew with very helpful and friendly people, esp. Major Sultan H. Bagdadi. After Amman, this was the first airport, where we got fuel from a fueltruck and not out of drums. We did not have any problems on the whole tour with fuel or dirty fuel.

The flyingtime from Jeddah to Riyadh was almost 3 hours. I´d say that´s enough in an Extra, then it´s time to
spread the legs and arms :-)

In Thumama we had a nice tea with the Major and some other airfield friends, quickly filed the flightplan, which should have been in the system already from our handling agent in Jeddah, Jetaviation. I think that our trip was something very special also for the Saudi air personal, they still have to learn a lot. All over some prohibited or restricted areas, so better stay in the area of the airway. It is not possible to fly outside airways, even VFR. The radar coverage in 9.000 to 11.000 feet was enrout maybe 50 percent, the radio comm was most of the time very well and friendly.

The tailwind was blowing us from Thumama via Dammam, Dhahran, Bahrain and over the persian gulf quick to our final destination ABU DHABI in just 2:31 hours.

The ferry totals:
distance flown: 3800 NM (7.000 km)
flight time from Tannheim to Abu Dhabi: 22:07 hours
appx. 1.300 Litres of Avgas burned
flown over 12 countries
9 legs flown

lots of fun, not much sleep, good experiance, new friends and a lifetime adventure!

Flying over so much sand and finally over water in an Extra 300 and Edge 540, IS something very special,
and we are very happy that we made it safeley to Abu Dhabi, where tomorrow our flying at the Red Bull Airrace starts.

I will continue updating this blog till saturday 8 april 2007 to inform you about the further action here in Abu Dhabi and the RBAR.

enjoy our impressions:
Pictures from Jeddah to Riyadh

Friendly Jet Aviation People in Jeddah, just befor leaving on 31st March 2007

Impressive General Aviation....which one will be ours?

again, lots of sand in Saudi, impression impression impression...

some hilly sand stuff like mountains and valleys...

last fuelstop enrout to AD in OETH Thumama

Refueling the Extra...

Hannes is happy and "groundflying already". Good pilot, good character, good friend!

Flight Riyadh to Abu Dhabi:
sandy saudi, coming to the end...

Captain Summertime everything under control, his longest ferry in his life till now :-), my best friend, got almost same flight experiacne than tigerbaby :-)


Bahrain Airport
Approaching our destination, good speed, half an hour to´s a good feeling :-)

Sunset over the persian gulf...

Hannes closing in for approach in Abu Dhabi...yeahhh baby, we made it!!!

Abu Dhabi City! How cool it is to arrive here with an Extra, coming VFR from Tannheim Int´l :-)

It was one of the best flying trips in my life, the 6 days enrout till now feels like a month. It was great, and yes, we would do it again :-)

all the best from Abu Dhabi 2007

Matthias and Hannes

Airshow and Mediaflights in Jeddah



For Red Bull Saudi Arabia I flew 4 mediaflights, Hannes did his great airshow in front of the Kings Palace in Jeddah. Thousands of people have watched the event, a big succes for Jeddah and aviation in Saudi.

After completion of our flying we prepared the airplanes again for the flight to Abu Dhabi.

It was a very hot day, 35 degs, operating out of Jeddah int´l airport on the ramp, no hangar and no shadow,

hard work!

Overall a great day, with good flying and fun!
Enjoy my first pylon-pictures 2007 :-)

Knifeedge through the gate

what a nice picture!!! looks like upward :-)

it´s a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prinz with me after fight (tigerbaby was on board and did his first gate-passings...

getting ready for flight to Abu Dhabi...sunset in Jeddah...look at the small aircraft in the background...
that is Jeddah General Aviation...the smallest...

Donnerstag, 29. März 2007

Jeddah - preparing for Airshow over the Red Sea

Jeddah 29 March 2007

some infos for those who have never been here:

Men wear white clothes, Women black, most woman have to cover their face
No Alcohol anywhere...officially
crazy traffic, but it works, very americanism here
Lots of security here, esp. at the airport. To bring tools to the plane is not easy at all.
They kept our passports, therefore we got temp. visa-papers.
No cinema, no theater, no entertainment for public,
just a few clubs are coming up now, not much to do for families.
All over the praying over the speakers.

I would consider it as a safe country, with very friendly people. For me, never been here, many new things to explore, very interesting.

After breakfast at 0900 we went to the airport, first thing I got was a sunburn (this started yesterday during the flight already...), taking fuel out of the wings, preparing the aircraft for inspection of the FAA (GACA),
building front stick back in, cleaning inside and get the planes ready for tomorrows airshow.
After finishing the preparation we had briefing at the Jeddah Red Bull Office checking tomorrows eventprogramm.

We will fly in front of the Kings Palace, over the shorline of Jeddah. Tomorrow we fly with some VIPs in the Extra, thereafter Shihabe with Hannes, and finally Hannes freestyle in the Edge.
some impressions of the day (sorry, not so many, was little lazy with photo today...)
Saudi McDonals...good marketing as well...

This Hotel was built a few years ago, and when it was finished, the royal family advised not to operate the Hotel, because it is opposite of the Kings Palace, and the people could look over to the Palace...

The water fontaine in front of the Kings Palace, that will be the show-location for the airshow tomorrow.

Kings palace at sunset.

Our Crew, Daruis (Aviation Event-Manager, dont know his name, Shihab, Mat, HA, unser super Fotomann, ich kann mir leider keine Namen merken :-)


Its time for dinner now, have a great evening you all,
all the best from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Mittwoch, 28. März 2007

Hail - Jeddah

Local flight within Saudi Airspace, after friendly welcome in Hail, full tanks, we departed dct enroute to Jeddah.

Btw. 8000 and FL100, 160 kts GS, 2:30 h flight time. Very interesting landscape, it was a big adventure to see the landscape from Saudi on this route.

We landed just after sunset in Jeddah on 36R, on the picture below you can see our formtion with the airliner for 36L.

our total flighttime till today is almost 17 hours, I burned 900 litres of fuel and travelled appx. 5.000 km till now.

Landingfee in Jeddah is 800 Dollars per aircraft, hmmmm....

First time in Saudi, big impression, to much to write here, believe me, its a long way to here with an airplane like the Extra, good fun! Now I know why I have choosen to be an Aviator!

Best from me and Hannes out of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,

all well here! We will continue to Abu Dhabi March 31st after the show here in Jeddah. far as you can see...but always somewhere something in nowhere...

I am glad I took my autopilot with me, maybe I should applay for an STC for that!!

Red See, Approaching Jeddah from the north along the coastline, getting dark soon...

Final approach RWY36R in OEJN, check out the airliner on the left wing...

we made it! Safe in Jeddah!

Yella Yella habibi!

Amman/Jordan - Hail/Saudi Arabia

After beeing for dinner with Red Bull Jordan people last night (thanks a lot folks!!) we got up early this morning to get ready for our day three. Sunshine and springtime-temperatures made it easy to get out, a perfect day to fly VFR through the dessert. Customs, flightplan, quickly. The costs of landing and fueling was incredible much to mention here :-). Flight from Amman to Hail was great. Straight up to 9.000 feet above the first broken cloudlayer, it was a dream. Just 10 minutes out of Amman, the dessert begins. There is not much to say about the dessert, there is not much going on, but: there are more people, houses and roads than I thought. Flying 20 minutes with 180 kts GS, nothing...and suddenly a car in the middle of nothing. Not to imagine where this guy came from...

Flight time ws 2:30, half an hour faster than planned, due to tailwind.

Seems like there is some airport over there to the right...

Take off in Amman, do you see Hannes?

Amman City...


in the middle of cirles, what do they do here?

good shot of Hannes, I like that picture!

Do you want to live here?

I have never been on the moon...but it must look like this!

Tigerbaby aviating over Saudi FL100

Approaching Hail, very nice airport, for flightplan go to Tower and drink a tea with them!

Saudi Military, they liked Tigerbaby, even if we did not understand a word from each other :-)

Two drums of sealed Avgas, clean! Hannes refueling with our hoses, otherwise we would have needed a spoon to get the fuel out of the drums...

Happy Hannes!

Picture of the day...both babes ready for Jeddah!

Dienstag, 27. März 2007

Antalya - Amman/Jordan

We arrived safe at sunset in Amman/Jordan after 3:00 hours flight from Antalya. Routing was via southern coastline of Turkey right turn over Cyprus, southbound to Israely airspace, weather was just fine, 15 kts tailwind, level 110 minimum for israel airspace, IT WAS COLD up there! Shortly before reaching Israel border we decended to 7000 feet. Again, like always over water...many thoughts about what can happen. Mr. Lycoming was with us again, good job, very well done. I am happy about my ferrytank, gives me a big reserve.

Me as slower airplane was leading the ship, Hannes squaked and I talked. It´s a pleasure to fly with Hannes!

Facts from Tannheim to Amman till now:

Flighttime: 11:53
Distance1.800 NM = 3.333 km
Fuel used: 606 Litres
It feels like almost at destination here, but just about to reach half way to Abu Dhabi.

Some impressions of today:

Departure Antalya, Hannes on my wing...thanks for joining Baby!

Turkish southern coastline...

Well, this is my cockpit, good enough for us, two Garmins and my shaky attitudeindicator

Cyprus..passing on the eastern edge...I like landscape!

...good feeling...approaching Tel Aviv Coast...

Me and Tigerbaby feeling well :-)

And again..I like my Lycoming...let´s hope and be good to the AEIO540!

Yes, it´s Jerusalem! Amen!

You wanna know how big Amman is? here´s the answer...

Amman Marka Int´l airport

Thumbs up! A-TEAM safe in Amman.

The other pictures from Amman we had to delete on the camera, the military wanted to have our camera, so we made the deal to delete...hmmm...what about that? Funny thing on the approach, the Amman controller did not know that we were two planes, so they told us a story about something we are not sure...F15! we was faster! :-)

1:32 o´clock, time to go sleep for tomorrow, plan is to depart 0930 lt to Hail, Saudi, then to Jeddah, from where we will inform about our day three!

Thanks for checking in, we hope all is well with you,

yella yella from Amman

Matthias & Hannes